Tuesday, February 14, 2012


XrML is the eXtensible Rights Markup Language which has aswell been connected as the Rights Expression Language (REL) for MPEG-21. XrML is endemic by ContentGuard.

XrML is based on XML and describes rights, fees and altitude calm with bulletin candor and article affidavit information.

Xerox PARC and DPRL

Mark Stefik, a researcher at Xerox PARC, is accepted as the artist of the concepts that became the XrML language. Stefik was affianced in analysis on the affair of trusted systems for defended agenda commerce, of which one allotment was a accent to accurate the rights that the arrangement would acquiesce users to accomplish on agenda resources.

The aboriginal adaptation of the rights announcement accent that became XrML was developed at Xerox PARC, and alleged the Agenda Property Rights Accent (DPRL). DPRL appears in a apparent filed by Xerox in November 1994 (and was accepted in February 1998) entitled: "System for Controlling the Distribution and Use of Agenda Plan Having Attached Usage Rights Area the Usage Rights are Defined by a Usage Rights Grammar" (US Apparent 5,715,403, issued to Xerox Corporation).

Between 1994 and 1998, Xerox formed its Rights Management Group to abide the plan represented in the patent. In November 1998, Xerox issued the aboriginal XML adaptation of the Agenda Property Rights Accent (DPRL), labelled Adaptation 2.0. Prior to that time, DPRL had been accounting in the LISP programming language.

The DPRL 2.0 affidavit makes it bright that DPRL was advised for machine-to-machine interaction, with rights bidding as apparatus actionable functions. It aswell states acutely that in interpreting a DPRL-based announcement of rights, alone those rights that are absolutely accepted can be acted upon. Any areas area a rights announcement is bashful have to be interpreted as rights not granted, and accordingly have to be denied by the software administration the rights.

XrML 1.0

In 1998, adjustment 2 of DPRL was accountant to a new accession founded by Microsoft and Xerox declared ContentGuard, which developed DPRL into the eXtensible rights Markup Language (XrML). Adjustment 1 of XrML was arise in 2001.

XrML 1.0 was an change of DPRL. It advertisement abounding of the administering analysis of DPRL, abacus altered identifiers, artful and attainable keys, and added mechanisms for anecdotic and accepting the achievement of the issuer and the user of the resource. It aswell added accepting for accouterments and software that would be allocation of the trusted environment. The rights annual remained the same, although the definitions of abandoned rights afflicted somewhat. In particular, XrML 1.0 acclaimed acutely amidst those rights that created a new adeptness adjoin those that acclimatized an complete resource.

XrML 2.0

Version 2.0 of XrML was a abolitionist abandonment from all that preceded it. Where DPRL and XrML 1.0 independent specific accent for machine-actionable rights ("copy" "transfer" "backup" "install" etc.) adaptation 2.0 was an abstruse rights accent with alone a few amount elements. The amount elements of XrML 2.0 are the ones bare to authorize assurance amid systems so that affairs can yield place. These cover the issuer of the license, the added parties to the license, and the adeptness to cover assets and rights, agenda signatures, etc. This adaptation is not specific to any average or blazon of resource, and has been ambiguous to ascendancy rights on agenda resources, services, or any added agenda entity.

XrML and Standards

In March 2002, Hari Reddy of ContentGuard became armchair of a new OASIS abstruse board on rights languages. In a affair on May 21, ContentGuard appears to accept presented a new adaptation of XrML, 2.1, as the starting point for the committee's work. The accumulation disbanded after in that year, clumsy to accede on a administration for the work. ContentGuard was aswell alive with the Electronic Book Exchange (EBX) in 2000, and after the Open eBook Forum (OeBF), on the development of standards for agenda rights administration for eBooks. In 2003, the OeBF "Rights and Rules" alive accumulation developed a abstract accepted rights announcement accent based on XrML 2.0, about this standards accomplishment apoplectic and has not been active at this writing.

At this aforementioned time, ContentGuard was accommodating in the MPEG-21 standards committee, area XrML was proposed as the base for Part 5 of the MPEG-21 accepted (ISO/IEC 21000), the Rights Announcement Language. Through a affiliate vote of the All-embracing Organization for Standardization, the MPEG-21 standard, including Part 5, became an official all-embracing standard. ContentGuard accomplished plan on XrML at the point that it became adopted as an official standard; ISO/IEC 21000-5 is its accepted manifestation.